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Looks fantastic ! Any mac version on the way ?


Thank you!!

Yes, we will try to add it soon, thanks for commenting It!


Marvelous. Let me know !

Hi! We uploaded a mac version, though we could not test it yet because we have no mac device available.

If you try out the game, we would be very grateful if you let us know any issues with it. Thanks!


Fantastic. I will test it for you. As soon as i get back from work :-)

Wonderful! We appreciate it.


nice prototype and think need fix

Thank you very much for playing and posting a review!

Yes, there is a bug that makes the boss unbeatable after a certain time. We are very sorry that you faced it, thank you for reporting. We wil try to fix it among other issues.


no problem.. i like help dev... good and fun idea 2d in 3d ... cool jobs
